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Hair Testing results are generally available 2 business days after the hair sample has been received by the laboratory.
Hair Testing for drugs generally uses 1-1/2 inches of hair that represents about 3 months of growth. It is generally accepted that in order to test positive, the drug in question must have been used 3 times or more within the window of the Hair Test. After a drug is used, it takes about 7 to 10 days for the hair containing the drug to grow out of the scalp enough to be cut. Consequently, the Hair Test will not include drugs used in the week prior to the test.
No, Hair color is a determining factor.
Hair testing is performed for the following five controlled substances:
Marijuana, Cocaine,PCP/Phencyclidine, Amphetamines and Opiates
Approximately 60 – 100 strand cut from the scalp line at the crown (or when bundled, about the diameter of a pencil lead).
A positive or negative result will be given for each drug class.
Hair can be collected from several head locations and combined to obtain the required amount of hair. If the head hair is too short, body hair can be used as a substitute.
NOTE: DO NOT mix head and body hair to submit for sample.
The minimum time period is approximately one month (0.5 inch).
No, we do not recommend taking a hair sample from a hairbrush or any other source (e.g. pillow, clothing) as the drug test sample may be contaminated and there is no guarantee that the hair is from the person being hair tested. It also would invalidate the legality of the test results, as proper chain of custody cannot be established.
In comparison drug test studies with urinalysis, hair drug testing has uncovered significantly more drug use. In two independent studies, hair drug testing uncovered 5 to 10 times as many drug users as urinalysis did.
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